Monday, May 5, 2014

20 Things I Learned My Freshman Year

Today... Today I finish my freshman year of college... WHAT??? 

I can hardly fathom the fact that this year- the year people tell you is the best and easiest year of college- is over! I remember thinking both my junior and senior years of high school how I wished college would hurry up, that I could not wait to be in college and how awesome my time there would be, and how I figured the world would stand still and these years would last a lifetime. WRONG. So far, these college days have flown by, well freshman days. 

Being a college freshman is exciting, renewing. Living away from home for the first time, experiencing a class schedule that doesn't require a uniform, being responsible for what I eat, who I hang out with, what I do on the weekends, when I go to church, and getting a taste of life as a "big girl". It all has helped to shape who I am and who I am becoming.  I wouldn't change this year and my experiences for the world! 

Here are some things I learned (sometimes the hard way) this past year:
-WARNING: This is long, so prepare yourself-

1. You have time to find a major.
It's OKAY to have absolutely NO idea what you want to do with your life as a freshman.  I was told this so often that I began to disregard it, but it's true. Especially coming from someone who took dual enrollment classes in high school, so 12 hours of core classes were accounted for, which means I thought I had to be 12 hours closer to finding my passion in life. WRONG, you have time.

2. Be nice to people
Classic and cliche, but oh so true. College is a market for networking.  Like the saying, "It's not what you know, but who you know." You never know who will be your boss, coworker, teach your kids, issue you a mortgage for your home, or become your family down the road. Being respectful and friendly to people helps to make acquaintances and friends and in turn will help you somewhere down the line. I'm not saying quantity over quality- because you can never replace the quality of your close friends- but networking and connecting with people is what college is about.

3. It's okay to break hearts until you find the right one. 
On that note, it's okay to get your heart broken.  In John Mayer's song "Age of Worry" he says, "Give your heart then change your mind/You're allowed to do it/Cause God knows it's been done to you/And somehow you got through it." I have a hard time letting people down especially when they have done nothing wrong to me, but this song has helped me a lot this year.

4. Channel your inner five year old and don't feel ashamed. 
On the subject of breaking up with boyfriends, it's OKAY to channel your inner five year old after you get up the courage to break up with him- dressing up in crazy costumes from your swap box and filming a music video with two of your best friends to "Pretty Girl Rock" by Kerri Hilson. (and immediately regretting it for fear of it going "viral" or eyes other than your closest friends seeing it- it's quite embarrassing, we had dance moves and everything.)

5. Don't worry, be happy. Seriously. 
You are in your prime right at this moment, there is no better time to enjoy life than right now. Meet new people, create new hobbies, experiment with different styles, take mid-week road trips across state borders, eat cookies for dinner. I have caught myself worrying more and enjoying less sometimes. I've had to stop and look at myself and think, "why am I worrying, God has a plan and a purpose for me. My path has already been planned out."  There's no point in wasting time on the what if's and but's because that's not reality.  I've learned to trust what God has in store for me, whether it be to make a C on my biology test or stumble through my first speech.  It's all in His hands.

 Favorite verse when I'm feeling overwhelmed with worry: Mark 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

6. Always, ALWAYS wash out your coffee cups after you use them.
...Or they will build up in the bathroom and get smelly. (and your roommate will get mad)

7. Sometimes, coffee and spotify are the only things you need 
(and thought catalog and a good buzz feed quiz) to cure the Monday blues, or weekday blues, really. 

8. Get involved on campus! 
I was told this before I got here, and boy were they right. My first semester, the only thing I got involved in was my sorority, and I don't regret that at all, but second semester I have loved being able to meet more people and become parts of many more organizations and groups. I've stayed incredibly busy, and I love every second of it. 

9. Go out! 
I have so many friends who either began college with a boyfriend (which shouldn't limit you to not going out) or did not think it was their thing, and as a result, they regret it because they wish they had met people and had those experiences. You don't have to drink to go out, it's a chance for you to see people outside of an academic setting and get to know some who may become your best friends. 

10. During the week, especially during class, makeup is unnecessary. Don't waste your time- unless a cute guy has been flirting with you in communications... ;) Then makeup is necessary.

11. The friends you find in college will be your friends for life.
You may not make those lasting friendships right off, but when you do, make sure to cherish that and always work to grow your close relationships.

12. Work out when you can.
I've grown up a lanky, thin girl, so I never thought the infamous "freshman 15" would effect me. WRONG. My first semester I gained ten pounds right off the bat (c/o chic fil a and panda... yum) I probably needed to gain a few pounds, but not quite that fast. Being healthy makes you feel better whether it changes your body or not, and can give confidence and a boost in self esteem. I've never had a strict work out schedule, but when I have spare time or feel like I need to relieve stress, I go. 

13. Always confront your problems face-to-face and with an open mind.
This refers to life in general, but I learned this specifically this year.

14. Keep in touch with family and friends back home. 
Being the only girl of five brothers, my mom misses me. Enough said.

15. On the subject, don't go home every chance you get, either. You need those weekend experiences, trust me.

16. Don't procrastinate.
HARDEST. THING. TO. DO. I am one of the most guilty people. This will prevent ALOT of stress that snowballs into my before said worry.

17. Don't leave clean clothes unfolded in the hamper.
You will have to re-dry them or use wrinkle release spray. Such a hassle.

18. Stay up on school nights and watch movies.
DO IT. Especially when you don't have class until 12:30 the next day. There's nothing like a good bonding sesh with your roommate and best friends while eating microwave made s'mores (I've been told I make the best ;) and watching "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants".

19. Become friends with your RA.
They'll be less likely to turn you in for having candles or christmas lights. 

20. You are not as smart as you think you are.
Especially at a University level, there are thousands of people more intelligent than you, and that's okay.  Everyone has their own special talents, and no one is better than anyone else. It's a simple fact of life. 

Thanks for reading!
Sarah Rose

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